The Covid 19 is one of the signs which shows a multidimensional global crisis and the coming of Doomsday. It is predicted occuring at the end of this decade. Therefore, 2020-2030 is very important to revolutionize the development pattern, so that we can survive against it, said Mahawan Karuniasa, Director of the Environment Institute at Indonesia Environment Talks 2020.
The webinar development and environment was held by the Environment Institute in collaboration with Radesa Institute, and was opened by Muhaimin Iskandar, Representative of the Indonesian Parliament. In his remarks Muhaimin stated that there is a need for a total evaluation of development after Covid 19, development must be different, including the idea of Omnibus Law that must also be able to answer this challenge. The webinar was also attended by San Afri Awang from UGM, Faisal Basri, Dewi Kartika, and Ibnu Multazam.
Various research shows that zoonoses or diseases resulting from transmission from animals to humans have increased. One of the main factors is the reduction in biodiversity, due to deforestation. It is suspected that Covid 19 is related to bats as the main host and pangolins as intermediate hosts. Apart from deforestation, climate change also plays a role in increasing the number of zoonotic diseases.
The environmental conditions have undergone many changes. We are currently living with the potential for more zoonotic outbreaks, higher CO2 in the atmosphere, higher earth surface temperatures, and fewer species or biodiversity. On 1st May 2020, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere reached a record (418 ppm), and the earth’s surface temperature in 2019 had increased by 1.10 celsius compared to the 1800s.
On the other hand, development in Indonesia is not environmentally friendly, the higher the GRDP of a province, the lower the quality of its environment. Omnibuslaw also indicates that it does not support environmental conservation and sustainable development. Even though there is still a lot of homework, it is time for Indonesia to have a Doomsday scenario that threatens the existence of human life on Earth, Mahawan concluded.