Published On: 27 January 2022

A. Background

As the reach and capability technology evolves, so do our methods of communication. The evolution of technology has made it possible for various forms of information to be sent and received massively. However, unlike many years ago, before the era of social media, instant messaging, and other form of massive communication, information is filtered multiple times and reviewed before broadcasted to the public. Mediums such as books, television, and newspapers, would often peer review the information that they received, creating a more holistic, objective information delivery. The evolution of technology has led to the creation of various mediums that enables two-way communication that also resulted in, whether intended or not, the spread of unfiltered misinformation or outright hoax.

All forms of media play a vital role in channeling information and connection those fighting to educate and share the movement towards climate sustainability and ensuring our planet is healthy for generations to come. Media and its representatives play an important role in ensuring information is accurate, appropriately represented with cultural and community sensitivity, and reaches audiences. The focus of the webinar discussing how the youth of Indonesia can combat ‘infodemic’ such as false media, fake news, hoax, negative viral, and sensationalism in the fight to save our planet. The further the audiences reached, the higher the capacity to influence, gifting media an essential role in changing the dynamic of climate change.

This webinar will be uncovering perspectives of both Australian and Indonesian youth, focusing on the similarities and differences between how fake news has impacted the public views on environmental protection and conservation. It will also be focusing on how misinformation causes confusion and reduces peoples trust in scientists. Djordjevic (2021) stated that media trust around the world has dropped by 8% from 2020 to 2021, and scarily 56% of Facebook users who see fake news that aligns with their beliefs will not recognize that it is fake. In 2020, there were 1.8 billion fake news engagements on Facebook. It is clear to see the dangerous spiral false media is causing .

It has never been more important to equip young people with the knowledge that they need to weed out false information in the media and focus on finding information that will benefit them and the planet. It is also important to look at the rules and regulations surrounding false media, how to combat it and educate the public. This webinar highlights how young Australians and Indonesians can work together to share information and find solutions to a rapidly growing issue.

Environment Institute in collaboration with APIK Indonesia Network and The Australian Consortium for ‘In-Country’ Indonesian Studies (ACICIS) will convene this 7th Series of Indonesia Environment Talks on 9 February 2022.

B. Objectives

The objectives of this webinar are:

  1. Provide a forum for the delivery of perspectives of the role of media and youth in actions to combat climate change.
  2. Identifying current fake news and infodemic issues especially in facing climate change and saving the earth. Presenting ideas on how youth can contribute to overcome the fake news and other infodemics in avoiding any misleading among people to face climate change and save earth.

C. Schedule

The event is held online through the Zoom platform at Wednesday, 09 February 2022 at 09.00-11.30 Jakarta time (GMT +7) and will be broadcasted live through the Environment Institute’s YouTube Channel. Participants are open to the public, and free of charge. The webinar will invite distinguished speakers especially students from Australia and Indonesia who have strong interest in overcome fake news for climate change action and to save our planet. E-certificate will be given to all participants.


Virtual, 9 February 2022

09.00–11.30 WIB (GMT+7)

Environment Institute YouTube Channel

This webinar will be broadcasted live through Environment Institute’s YouTube channel. Live streaming can be accessed via or by clicking the link below:

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