A. Background
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) shared the updated finding that there is about 40% change of the annual average global temperature temporarily reaching 1.50C in at least one of the next five years. The Global Annual to Decadal Climate Update also reminded there is a 90% likelihood of at least one year between 2021-2025 becoming the warmest on record. Based on the nine planetary boundaries concept, scientist warned that 14 socio-economic goals will rise pressure on planetary boundaries and conflicts with three environmental SDGs. The implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) agenda uses conventional approach will not lead to achieve the target, and in reverse it moves the world away from the overall SGDs targets.
The science shows that unless immediate actions and drastically scale-up efforts, we are not on track to our sustainable future, including global goals on climate change. The just future issues also need to be included in shaping a sustainable future considering disproportionate impacts of climate change, Covid-19 pandemic, and other environmental damage or degradation. The situation on the coherency of policymaking and science production to cope the current and emerging sustainable issues becomes an important key. It could be a basis to explain and understand the gaps of policy and science in addressing global transformation including the implementation of national climate action to achieve the Paris Agreement. The global agenda in transforming our world is needed for the people, planet and prosperity including peace and partnership. The policy makers and scientists play important roles to take the bold, transformative, and urgent steps which are needed to shift the world into sustainable pathways. This collective journey demands ideas and thoughts for bridging policy and science to build learning system in searching the intervention leverages for our peace, just, and sustainable future.
In order to contribute in shaping a sustainable future, the Environment Institute in collaboration with Asia Climate Experts Network (ACE Network), Indonesia Experts Network on Climate Change and Forestry (APIK Indonesia Network), and supported by Friedrich Naumann Stiftung (FNF) will convene the International Webinar “Bridging Policy and Science for People, Planet, and Prosperity”.
B. Objectives
The objectives of the International Webinar are:
- To share updated situation on the coherency of policy making and scientific researches to cope the current and emerging global and national transformational agenda towards a sustainable future.
- To share the latest issues and experiences in addressing the gaps of policy and science in the implementation of SDGs and national climate action to achieve the Paris Agreement.
- To exchange ideas and thoughts for bridging policy and science for people, planet, and prosperity.
C. Schedule
The event will be held virtually using the Zoom Platform on Wednesday, September 15, 2021, at 10.00-12.00 Jakarta time (GMT+7) , with a maximum capacity of 500 participants and will be broadcasted live through the Environment Institute’s YouTube Channel. Online registration will be opened and available on www.enviro.or.id. The webinar will invite distinguished speakers especially policymakers and scientists from various countries and institutions. Public participants are welcome to register and free of charge including e-certificates.
Environment Institute YouTube Channel
This webinar will be broadcasted live through Environment Institute’s YouTube channel. Live streaming can be accessed via https://s.id/enviro-live or by clicking the link below: